Posted by: cindybythesea | August 29, 2020

Our Hands Are Stained With Blood

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“There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush to evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in a community” Proverbs 6:16-19

I’ve been working on something for the past 14 years that I am only now beginning to understand. On February 20, 2008 I had a very peculiar dream that had to do with a nuclear event on the island of Oahu. In the dream I received a message which originated from Wisconsin. The caller greeted me in an ominous tone with the word “doomsday”. I was then instructed by the caller to look out my window where I could see a mushroom type cloud forming over the southern part of the island in the Pearl Harbor area. The dream was so vivid and disturbing that I woke up and recorded it in a journal. This was at least two years before I started blogging at Cindy by the Sea.

Fast forward to 2012. By then I had started my own blog and was reading others from likeminded individuals. I was shocked to learn that William at The End Times Forecaster had a similar type dream regarding an island as well. And get this – his dream was on the exact same date as mine except four years later. His was February 20, 2012 and mine was February 20, 2008. Excited to compare notes I wrote it up as a series titled Echoes of Paradise Lost which was published on March 11, 2012. A date that I only recently learned to be significant and the key to unlocking what I believe to be the message of both dreams.

I’m not sure why February 20 was the common date for both of our dreams but I did find out that the territorial legislature for Hawaii convened for the first time on February 20, 1901.  I wrote about this extensively in my series Echoes of Paradise Lost but will briefly summarize it here. It’s a well known fact that the Hawaiian Monarchy was forced to step down at gun point in order that Hawaii might be established as a US territory. I mention this because the Monarchy had previously converted to Christianity and had declared Hawaii to be a Christian nation. How the island and the people were changed as a result of that action is probably beyond human calculation but may well have provided the seed for a number of future events. For more on the Hawaiian Monarchy and the plea by Queen Lili’uokalani to the Christians of the United States click here.

Second Dream –

Many years passed and I often wondered about that dream. Then lo and behold, another dream. This one not directly about Hawaii but about Wisconsin. Were the two tied together? I wasn’t sure but thought it was odd that Wisconsin would come up once again in a very vivid dream. The date was October 15, 2019.

To summarize, the dream consisted of three people trying to break into a house. They had climbed ladders to reach the second story where I was contentedly going about my business doing domestic chores unaware of their presence. Little did I realize not only the house was being broken into but a terrible storm had formed outside as well.  I was enraged at the people trying to break in and went out to confront them knocking them off their ladders in the process where they fell to the ground as straw men. Laying next to them on the ground was a newspaper where the word Wisconsin appeared prominently in the headlines. I reached down to pick it up and when I did the corner where the word Wisconsin appeared tore off in my hand. Below the missing corner the number 0 could be seen on a page which appeared to be an ad of some kind. To read the dream in its entirety click here.

Third Dream – 

This dream was not mine but my daughter’s. I blogged on it a couple of days ago in a post titled “Eight Weeks“.  Initially thought to be a rapture dream it concerns an eight week old fetus and the words ‘eight weeks“. The date of the dream was August 26, 2020.

A Picture Emerges

As I mentioned at the start of the article it was March 11, 2012 that I first posted about my dream. An important fact that only recently caught my attention. I was doing some research on abortion when I found out rather by accident that Hawaii was the first state to legalize abortion a full three years before Roe v Wade on March 11, 1970. Wow! A milestone in the words of Planned Parenthood of Hawaii which they celebrated with these words –

“March 11 marked a significant milestone for the state of Hawaii. In 1970, Hawaii became the first state to legalize abortion access, three years before Roe v. Wade protected abortion nationwide. On March 11, we celebrate 50 years of safe, legal abortion in Hawaii!”

 I was shocked when I caught the connection between the March 11 dates. Somehow I knew that it was the key to unlocking the meaning behind all of these dreams and I felt certain that the second dream was intended as a time stamp for the first.

So to recap – the first dream has to do with fiery judgment most likely related to the sin of abortion. Will it be directed solely at Hawaii as they were the first to legalize abortion? Or will Wisconsin be involved as well? At this point I’m not sure. Let’s continue to look and see what we can find.

If the second dream has to do with timing as I suspect it does when will it happen? Because of the zero that appeared on the second page of the newspaper it may well indicate the current year that we are in. In 2019 things were rocking along pretty much as usual. Everyone going about their own business – kind of like in my dream. But little did we know a storm was brewing outside and, not only was a storm brewing but the house we were living in was in the process of being actively assaulted as well. Welcome to 2020!

As for those assaulting the house they were exposed to be straw men by virtue of the bogus claim of systemic racism. Anyone with half a brain can see that BLM and Antifa are Marxist organizations bent on bringing down the country. So the dream scenario matches the current year 2020 and the zero visible on the second page of the newspaper becomes a threefold match – 1970 – the year Hawaii legalized abortion. 2020 – our current year and 50 – 50 years since abortion was first legalized. Keep in mind the zero only became visible once Wisconsin was torn away. So if the second dream is all about timing – will an event that involves Wisconsin precede a Hawaii event?

This could be a stretch and most likely is – but the name Wisconsin means ” a river running through a red place” which makes me think of blood and water.  I know a birth takes place in blood and water so I think it is safe to assume that an abortion does as well. Consider this –

The DNC Convention was held in Milwaukee, WI just a few days ago on August 17-20. With a platform that includes abortion up to the time of birth by both nominees (Biden and Harris) – the democratic party has become the most pro-abortion party in history. Their logo boasts an star that can best be described as satanic in design with the words Milwaukee written below which clearly provides our connection to Wisconsin.


There are so many interesting rabbit trails that could be followed. Let’s look at one. Milwaukee actually means “good land“. On December 7, 1943 the USS Wisconsin was launched in a ceremony presided over by the first lady of Wisconsin Mrs. Walter Goodland. Walter means “powerful or bright army” and of course – Goodland means “good land”. How interesting that this envelope dating to December 7, 1943 in commemoration of the launching of the battleship is also made out to someone named Walter.  Look closely and you can see the date – December 7, 1943. Remembering of course, December 7, 1941 was the attack on Pearl Harbor and the location of the mushroom cloud of my dream.


In his 1974 state of the Union address President Nixon had this to say –

“America is a great and good land, and we are a great and good land because we are a strong, free, creative people and because America is the single greatest force for peace anywhere in the world”.

Notice there was no reference to God.

In the Bible, God speaks of the good land – the land he would bring his people to. I think although it is speaking of Israel here and not the United States, it still applies.-

“For the Lord your God is bringing you in to a good land – a land with brooks, streams, and deep springs gushing out in to the valleys and hills; a land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees … a land where bread will not be scarce and you will lack nothing – …. you may say to yourself  -‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me’. But remember the Lord, your God for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth … If you forget the Lord, your God and follow other gods, and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed …” Deuteronomy 8: 6,7,8, & 17-19.

Eight Weeks – to judgment ????

Earlier in this post I mention a third dream titled Eight Weeks.  In this dream, my daughter saw a a tiny eight week fetus resting on the tip of her finger. It was so small it could have been mistaken for a bean if not for its budding limbs, She wondered momentarily if it was alive -when suddenly, she felt a very strong pulse indicating, yes, it was indeed alive! She then heard a voice clearly saying – eight weeks. And checking  pictures of an eight week fetus the next morning it did indeed match the size of the tiny baby she saw. The date of her dream was August 26 (just a few days ago).

Is it possible that in addition to the age of the baby it could it also have been a time stamp  for the day judgment would fall for the national sin of abortion? Eight weeks from August 26 is October 21. Is that our date?

Interestingly, (adding further weight to the discussion) my daughter also had a dream on February 5, 2011 where she was holding a baby and looking out the window towards Diamond Head, Oahu. There she witnessed a nuclear type explosion with such intensity that she felt the impact of the shockwave in her own body. The next day she miscarried an eight week old baby. A flow of blood and water.  At eight weeks gestation  per internet site Verywell Family “a baby has all of the organs and body parts of an adult human, just on a much smaller scale”. In other words, all this little human needs is to grow! Yet proponents of abortion would have us believe they are not even human.

I think I could add here that when Jesus was pierced in his side a flow of blood and water appeared. When we are born again, we are taken as a bride from the side of Jesus.  A flow of blood and water therefore is common to both a spiritual and natural birth – as well as a miscarriage. Where it is not natural is during an abortion. Then it becomes something that is not holy, but profane.

October 21, 2020 – Day of judgment on abortion (?)

I haven’t really uncovered “the why” of this particular date although I do know it is Chesvan 3 on the Hebrew calendar. Chesvan is of course the month of Noah’s flood where the wicked of Noah’s day were judged. And whether God will choose to use the month of Chesvan again I can’t say for sure but what I do know is this –  the number of abortions since 1973 in this country alone exceeds 50 million. And with aid to overseas countries that we the United State of America have provided that number swells to a whopping 40-50 million per year or 125,000 daily. A staggering number that I really can’t even begin to comprehend. So, while I do not know if October 21, 2020 will be that day – I do know this – it is coming – for our hands are stained with blood!

Until then, as always –

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper who love thee” Psalm 122:6

Watching and waiting with YOU for the soon return of Jesus!

*World abortion statistics per WORLDOMETER







  1. A sobering blog, Cindy. Lord, have mercy! The March 11 date piqued my attention for the notable events on that date (Japan, Corona Virus).  Looking at your October 15 and 20 dates, I noted these abortion related events: 
    Oct 16 – The origins of Planned Parenthood date to October 16, 1916, when Margaret Sanger, her sister Ethel Byrne, and Fania Mindell opened the first birth control clinic in the U.S. in the Brownsville section of the New York borough of Brooklyn  
    Oct 21 – At midnight, on 21 October 2019, Northern Ireland Assembly failing to restore devolution, sections 58 and 59 of the Offences Against the Person Act 1861 were repealed, decriminalising abortion.  
    27 October 1967 – UK –

    11.3 and 11.5 on 2015 Economist cover (arrow by “Alice” girl)Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973)
    11.3 – March 11, 1970 – Hawaii became the first state to legalize abortion11.5 – May 11, 1970 – 17 women set out from Vancouver to Ottawa to demand legal reform. On Mother’s Day weekend fifty years later—11 May 2020
    Nov, 1970 – 4 states made abortion legal (AK, HI, NY & WA) 1969 – ORNOV. 5, 2003 (11.5) –  ‘‘Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003’’

    50th – 1969 a pivotal time! Rebellion of Law and Order! 1969: The Year Everything Changed * 50 * Abortion * Apollo * WWW * LGBT * Woodstock * Chicago/NYC/SF  –

    Click to access PLAW-108publ105.pdf
    1969 – Oregon became one of the first states to legalize abortion. – UK

    • Thank you Tammy! I really appreciate your input and what it adds to the discussion. And wow, yes …1969/70
      ….alot of what we’re seeing today is the fruit of that time period. Blessings to you and yours!

    • Thank you, Tammy for writing. I really appreciate how it adds to the discussion. And, wow, yes …the 1969/70 time period that is even now bearing fruit …rotten fruit, but fruit. The days ahead are going to be trying for all. May we be found holding fast on to him …our Yeshua, who is coming soon!

  2. Are you saying something wicked is coming to US? I know you did not say why. Your article is very interesting.

    • Hi, Ben and thanks for writing. Actually, the “why” is the sin of abortion at least as far as these dreams are concerned. The question is – do they point to October 21? And while I cannot say with any certainty that October is the time frame …what I can say with certainly is that it’s coming. God will judge. Again, thank you for writing. May God bless you in these last days.

  3. Cindy, thank you for your reply. I know no one knows for sure. i had a weird dream while back- not sure if it is prophetic or what. I had ton of dreams of tornadoes when i was young, but not anymore. The dream was about white vans- there were lot of them and they drove by my house. The men who got out of the van wore black suits, black hats, and black sunglasses. My 2 german shepherds were barking at them. I called them to come back inside of my house and they refused. They kept running to them while they were barking at them. i woke up from the dream and prayed. I have one GS dog and one lab mix.
    I need to point out something here. You may have heard that planned parenthood are killing more African American people. This is interesting because these African American have no idea what is happening today and now that BLM has blinded them. I have wondered if the evil spirit is working among the African American liberal group what we are witnessing before our eyes today. I prayed the Lord will open their eyes and they will see the truth ( here i am sick and tired of hearing all kind of lies that is floating around and they have not realized what they are doing), Dinesh talked about that one of his films- i think America. I was shocked what i heard. Why African American people? I am sure there are now more of them have been aborted than the whites. Noticed that the planned parenthood are located by the poor communities instead of the rich area. That is what got my attention and these people are poorly educated. I thought something need to change. Now there is a war between black on black. I wondered why. As i watched the movie Unplanned- which kind of freak me out a bit, it made me realized how evil it has gotten here in the US. It could have been prevented if that Stanger lady didn’t approve it but to love people more and encourage them to have a strong loving family.
    it is interesting how much it has changed over the years! i am in my 50’s too. I love the 80’s- we were happy all the time but this day and age is the most depressing i have ever seen in my life. I wished it didn’t come like this at all. i am ready for rapture to come any moment so we can all leave what is behind us. i am hoping my 2 dogs will come with us. haha. Thank you Cindy.

    • Wow, interesting dream. I’ll have to think on that one. Yes, it seems that Planned Parenthood has targeted the poorer and minority communities …and no surprise really given its founder Margaret Sangers views on eugenics and racism. It does seem depressing and sad… this country has been so richly blessed … a blessing which we have foolishly squandered. I think now with the increasing darkness we all will be that much more ready to let go of this old world so that we might go to our heavenly home with Jesus. And I understand about the dogs …I’m hoping our old family dog will be there to greet us.

  4. i am just trying to be added to your email list. i sent an email but got a reply directing me to this link. it should not be this difficult.

  5. I am heartbroken at the depth of our sin in this country. May God have mercy on us. May He call us home soon. Thank you for sharing. I always look forward to your insights. Please keep them coming especially during these dark and awful times that we are currently walking through. Blessings to you!

    • Thank you edwinasmom for writing. It is indeed heartbreaking to see the depths to which we have fallen. Thank you also for your encouragement… I appreciate hearing from all of you as much as you appreciate hearing from me. Together we keep our eyes on Jesus …the one we love, our blessed hope who is coming soon.


  7. Hi Cindy, This post and related ones to this one has had me on alert. Common links to me. . I live in Marshall WI . Born on Dec 7th.1963 in Milwaukee in Mt Sinai Hosptial. .The day before e-mail saw a cloud that looked like a baby of about 8 weeks. . I am married to a William. . Our Wedding is on May 11th. .We kept the Feast of Tabernacles last year in Hawaii on the Big Island.
    I am praying about this. Not even sure how to pray. Interesting… I signed off Facebook and I have not been reading others’ insights in my e-mails or YouTubes. But for some reason, I opened yours and remember your last post to this. God wants me to be focused to be hearing Him and wanted me to read and be praying about this with you. My Mom read that there are hidden many UN trucks in a quarry in Sussex WI hidden from view. She told me that a number of months ago.
    I came across this. Maybe of interest.
    Thank you for your blogs and blessings, Dawn

    • Wow, Dawn that’s alot of connections! And my goodness, that fire! Unreal! I can’t believe that I have never heard of it until now. One of the most tragic things I have ever read. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate input from readers. I sincerely hope that tragedy does not befall Wisconsin or Hawaii …. but only the Lord knows for sure. In the meantime, we pray and pray some more and plead for the lost to come to Jesus while there is still time. Interesting about the vans…keep us informed. Blessings you and your family!


    • Wow, what a story. Folks, check this out

  9. hey dawn, what do you mean the UN trucks are hiding out in the neck of your woods? sounds like something is up. have you talk around in your neighborhood, friends or anyone? Boy that fire story you shared is something else. Since you brought that up, that is a possibility that the fire could move to Kenshau where the riots are. If that is the case in surprise October from the Lord- then by all means it should wake them up. i hope. The Lord need to send something to stop the violence. This takes me back when Kent state had a violence about the stopping the war in vietnam. I think several people were killed in that college campus- that was when the protesters stop and things were back to normal.

  10. Cindy, since you talked about you were from HI. Here is some news for you.
    Since Hi is very liberal and a blue state. That is what they get. Rush L has talked about this over and over. Blue states run with very liberal democrat governors and mayors. i have heard that there were 4 or 5 democrats leaders in Minnesota are voting for Trump because of what they saw in their state. Their eyes were open. Thank you Lord. We do need to pray more like this and maybe a fire storm that will give these people in WI a warning. i pray something that will come in a suprise- a warning from the Lord.
    i have a question. a friend of mine and i were talking about dress color code. Do you know anything about that? For example do you remember during the Trump inauguration- his wife wore a tiffany blue color that day. The same color that Jackie O Kennedy did. Weird coincidence? Now that Melanie wore a green dress at the RNC few nights ago, i wondered what does that mean? Hmmmmm.

    • Wow, so much to think about these days. Thank you for the link …I was about to try to write something about that. Very bizarre. Don’t have any clue about the colors. I’ll have to think on that.

  11. Dear Cindy,
    I’m so grateful for all that you have published and I hope what I share in response will be a blessing and give further insights.
    I live in Washington State and have been involved with pro-life ministry for many years. I currently operate a small pro-life mobile medical clinic called “Image Point” in Yakima WA directly across the alley from the abortion giant Planned Parenthood.
    Last Year on Yom Kippur (Oct 8th/9th 2019) I was attending a prayer gathering at Image Point and was led to Sound the Shofar over a set of gestational age baby models we use in ministry and to declare “The Jubilee Decree Sets the Babies Free!” I felt a little foolish at that moment as I didn’t really understand what Holy Spirit had in mind. Fast forward to January 2020 and the annual March for Life that is held across the nation to mark the anniversary of Roe v Wade. Image Point is the sponsoring organization for our Memorial Walk and the Holy Spirit said “I want you to Sound the Shofar over the baby models and make the Jubilee Declaration again. This would be a public display whereas the prayer meeting was private. During the time between October 2019 and January 2020 the Lord reminded me that it is a true Jubilee because Washington State legalized abortion via voter referendum on Nov 3 1970. (same date as America’s 2020 presidential election)
    But God and Only God could do what we have witnessed over these past several months. Covid19 came and it came with such an intensity in Yakima that the city made the national news several times for the largest per capita outbreak in the nation. The Covid outbreak has caused the greatest pressure I have every witnessed on Planned Parenthood. Day after day of empty parking lot!!! It’s still happening even now the abortion clinic is empty of clients.
    That’s one aspect of how God has honored the Jubilee Decree in our city (the year of My Redeemed has come). I’m asking God to finish them off (the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic) to overthrow the covenant of death for the overflow of life! A true Jubilee involves a day of vengeance. “The day of vengeance is in My Heart” Isaiah 63:4 and Isaiah 61:2.
    2020 A Year of Redemption and A Day of Vengeance! All Glory Hallelujah Glory to Yeshua, the Lion and the Lamb!

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