Posted by: cindybythesea | February 22, 2024

X Marks the Spot – the birthing stool

“The midwives answered Pharaoh, ‘Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.'” Exodus 1:19

LIttle Egypt

On April 8th a total solar eclipse will cross the United States for the second time in seven years creating an X over a part of the country known as “little Egypt”  which is Carbondale, Illinois. Coming just 2,223 days from the previous one on August 21, 2017 “the x marks the spot ” configuration  has a lot of people speculating as to what it might mean, if anything.

The Exodus Connection

On Tuesday morning February 20th I felt led to look up the number of days between the two eclipses in order to compare it to the number in the Strongs Concordance as I have often done in the past. So, I looked up the number 2422 and found out the word means lively or vigorous as it is used in Exodus 1:19 ( the verse quoted above).


Later that morning my daughter brought to my attention two rather unusual occurrences that happened to her during the night. The first occurred when she woke up and heard a voice either audible or in her head – she wasn’t sure which – that sounded like the sound of rushing water. In the midst of this unusual sound she heard a voice say:

These things don’t matter much”

A seeming reference I believe to a number of questions they had been wrestling with recently that apparently according to the voice “don’t matter much”.  She also said that later that night she had a dream in which she saw me (her mother) wearing an apron with some kind of words written on it. She said she could not make out the words but remembered the numbers 1 and 9 as being prominent.

When she told me this I was just astonished  as I recalled reading Exodus 1:19 earlier that morning before I saw her and wondered if Exodus 1:19  and the reference to the birthing stool was tied to the apron she saw in the dream – but how would we know?

Well, come to find out an apron is a common piece of apparel worn by midwives as much today as they were in previous years past. The apron serves a number of purposes. One, it has a comforting effect. Two, it keeps the clothing of the midwife clean and protected and three,  it most likely had pockets for carrying needed items. Therefore,  we can surmise that Exodus 1:19 and the dream in which I am wearing an apron is connected.

From the “Call the Midwife” Television Series

Timing is Everything

So, in Exodus 1:19 the Hebrew women were giving birth before the Egyptian midwives could come and murder their newborn sons. Take a look at this –

The day count between August 21, 2017 and April 8, 2024 becomes 2423 when you include the end date. So, what might Strongs 2423 be?

Well, as it turns out it is the word for beast …the exact word used throughout Daniel 7 when speaking about endtime events – Daniel 7:23 in particular. Let’s take a look.

The Message from the Dream

Therefore, considering all of the above it appears to me that the message from the dream coupled with the scriptures out of Exodus and Daniel is this:

The X created by the two solar eclipses will be followed very closely by the beast system- the fourth beast to be precise. But, like the Hebrew women who gave birth before the midwife arrived to destroy their sons – so will the church be delivered before it can be devoured by the beast. How soon this will occur in relation to the April 8th eclipse I don’t know. But if the x over little Egypt represents the birthing stool – I think it could be very, very soon.


“Before she goes into labor, she gives birth; before the pains come upon her, she delivers a son.” Isaiah 66:7


“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem they shall prosper who love thee ” Psalm 122:6

Watching and waiting with YOU for the soon return of Jesus! Cindy


  1. Hi Cindy,

    That really blessed me. Thank you!!



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